From the course: Freelancing Foundations
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Effective client communication
From the course: Freelancing Foundations
Effective client communication
- Good communication can make or break a client relationship and it starts from day one from the first conversation to delivering the final product. And what it really comes down to is creating shared expectations. Almost all client problems stem from something not aligning with their expectations. Maybe that's your timeline, the number of revisions you're offering, the final product or the price. You can avoid all that headache by making it clear upfront what the client can expect through every part of the process. Proposals and contracts play a really key role here. A proposal is your first tool of saying in writing, this is exactly what you can expect and working with me. Does that work for you? If the client agrees to a proposal, the communication continues in the form of a contract. In your contract, you put even more specifics around exactly what your process looks like. This includes what you need from the…
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