From the course: Freelancing Foundations

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Creating advocates and getting referrals

Creating advocates and getting referrals

From the course: Freelancing Foundations

Creating advocates and getting referrals

- The greatest gift anyone can give a freelancer is a warm referral. A referred client is much more likely to hire you. And it's usually a shorter sales process too. So you should do everything you can to make getting referrals easy. Referrals come from people who actively talk about you and your work. I like to think of these people as advocates. Think of your advocates as an extra set of eyes and ears for your business. The acronym eyes and ears is a good framework for thinking about how to generate more referrals. Eyes stand for Establish Your Elevator Speech and ears stands for Empower Advocates to Refer Sales. Let's start by talking about your elevator speech and how it can help you. Your advocates can only refer you if they know and understand what you do. You need to be able to explain who you help and how you help them so you can share that with your advocates. This is where your elevator speech comes in.…
