From the course: Foundations of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

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Why belonging matters

Why belonging matters

- Belonging is one of the more complicated and nuanced dimensions of creating a positive work culture. Remember, this is about everyone being able to do their own dance. It's extremely subjective and it can be different for the variety of people within any social identity group. But we can still develop best practices that allow us to both evaluate and grow belonging in our organizations. The first best practice is assessment. Employee engagement surveys can take a baseline pulse on whether people are feeling like they belong at the organization, and the root causes for any exclusionary feelings. Belonging is critical to the business case because it powerfully impacts productivity and turnover, both of which have been proven to have high cost to your team and organization. These surveys will often capture anecdotes that may otherwise not be intuitive to leaders. I facilitated a training on microaggression for a small company…
