From the course: Foundations of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

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Q&A with Dereca

Q&A with Dereca

(upbeat music) - It takes a lot of work to do DEIB. And along the path, you're going to have questions. Here are some of the most common ones I get after my trainings. "I feel like I try really hard, "but I'm afraid to make a mistake. "Should I explain myself when I apologize? "Does my intention even matter?" The first thing I need to say is that we're all going to make mistakes. I cannot say it enough. I've been doing this for 25+ years, and I make them all the time. The important thing is to make sure that, in that moment, we focus on the person who's been impacted. We're listening to them, recognizing that it takes a risk for them to even speak up. If we're going to talk about ourselves and our intention, it has to be because we have a relationship that's invited that. Do they even really know you to want to hear more about yourself? It's fine to say "Thank you, this is really important to me," and then find…
