From the course: Foundations of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
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Interrupting microaggressions
From the course: Foundations of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Interrupting microaggressions
- Microaggressions are subtle verbal and non-verbal slights toward people specifically because of their social identity group. The key factor in determining if something is a microaggression is often whether it was unintended. This is critical because it helps us get past the idea that only egregious intentional violations of belonging are the ones that should be addressed. One litmus test is to ask yourself whether you would say it to the majority group. How often are men told they need to smile more because it makes them look handsome? How many times do people get asked to explain how straight people feel about an issue? Too often, we minimize or dismiss altogether reports of misconduct or prejudice in the workplace. I've had many men tell me that they feel like they can't say anything anymore to their female colleagues. Sometimes, they even are reluctant to mentor them for fear of being seen as prejudiced or…
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