From the course: Flask Essential Training (2019)
The pros and cons of Flask
From the course: Flask Essential Training (2019)
The pros and cons of Flask
- [Instructor] Let's go ahead and talk about the pros and cons of Flask. Now, let's start with the pros here. Flask is amazing for getting a project up and running quickly. There's so little in your way. There's almost nothing to configure. If you need to build something quickly, Flask is a great framework for that. Also, Flask is very customizable. Flask is often described as bare bones, meaning that there's so much customization that you can do with Flask to make things exactly how you want it and how you want to interact with your data. And lastly, Flask is WSGI compatible, meaning that you can use any sort of web server that is WSGI compliant to run your app. So if you're going to be using Unicorn, or a whole variety of servers, there's anything that you want out there. Now, let's go ahead and cover the cons. What was was a pro, that Flask is bare bones, can also be a massive con. You have to build almost everything that you want to do in Flask. If there's lots of different options that other developers have used before, you still have to create that yourself. Now, there's lots of different packages and dependencies that you can bring into your project to try to utilize code from other developers, but often there's not a set standard to say, "This is the Flask way." It's so loose that you often end up having to create your own set up there. And to go along with this, if you're working with any sort of database, there's absolutely no help from Flask. You have to write all your custom SQL statements. You have to create objects, turn them back into database data. It's a whole lot of work. So to kind of summarize, if you want to decide whether you're going to use Flask or not, you got to think, "How much do I value customizing my project "exactly how I like it?"
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