From the course: Flask Essential Training (2019)
Demo project overview
From the course: Flask Essential Training (2019)
Demo project overview
- [Narrator] Before we go ahead and get started, I want to give you an idea of what it is we're going to be building in this course. And that is a URL shortener, I didn't want to teach you just a bunch of separate features in flask, I wanted to bring it all together in one cohesive project where you could see why flask is such a great tool. Now, what this website can do is we can take some sort of website like Google and say, I want to create a short code for this so that whenever I just type, gogo, I can instantly get to Google. So if I go ahead and create this, it's going to make a unique URL for me. And in this case, you can see it's our website, slash gogo, and whenever I visit this page, it takes me to Google. We also have the ability in this site to upload files. Let's say I have a house that I'd like to share with my friends that I'm thinking about buying. I can go ahead and call this my house, shorten this and now I have this URL that when I provide to someone, they can simply go to The name of our website slash my house and they can see very quickly that file. In addition to this will be learning how to work with cookies, so that users can see all the different codes that they've created before. And we'll even learn how to make an API with one line of codes that they can quickly get that information. As you can see, we're going to stylize this with bootstraps, so it's an amazing looking product for the end user. And if someone tries to create something with a name that's already existed before, like gogo, which we already took, there'll be a warning displayed using flasks flashing system. While this is the finished product, I'm going to take you from absolute square one to learning step by step how you can create a functional flask application.
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