From the course: Five Fails a Day with Caroline A. Wanga

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Renegotiating your potential

Renegotiating your potential

17 years old, I wanted to be a cop and an Olympic heptathlete. Don't ask me why I wanted to be a cop. I don't know, but I knew I wanted to be an Olympic heptathlete. I was on a track scholarship to college and got pregnant my first semester. I chose to have my daughter. What I experienced becoming a mom before I became a legal adult was unintentional burden under the curtain of love. What do I mean by that? Immediately people started to renegotiate my potential for me without my permission. They started to lower what they expected of me. All of the memories I have, of all the people that were disappointed, that that's where I ended up in my life, that all the people that started to lower what was possible for me stuck so loudly in my DNA that for most of my adult life, I've been 17 years old. For most of my adult life. And what do I mean by that? I have had great opportunities professionally. I am so grateful for them. I couldn't see them. Everybody saw a Caroline that I didn't see…
