From the course: Finding Your Purpose at Work
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The 10-second game changer
From the course: Finding Your Purpose at Work
The 10-second game changer
- We all have bad days. You know, sometimes it feels like you just can't do one more task or attend one more meeting. Those are the days when you need to dig deep and find that something extra. And that something extra is serotonin, and it's a game changer. Imagine this. You're rushing into a meeting. Your texts are all backing up. Your email is overflowing. You're hassled. You're frustrated. Sound familiar? Well, here's a way that you can clear all of that out of your body and get yourself in the moment with a sense of purpose and passion. So in the 10 seconds before you walk into that meeting, stop and breathe to just ground your body. Think, I am here to connect and create meaning. And if you have a personal purpose statement, repeat it now. Here's what I say before I go into client meetings. I say, I am here to help people make money and make a difference. And then you walk into that room, make eye contact with everyone you speak with. So breathe. Think connection, meaning…
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