From the course: Finding Your Introvert/Extrovert Balance in the Workplace
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Being and doing
From the course: Finding Your Introvert/Extrovert Balance in the Workplace
Being and doing
- The final dimension we want to explore is being and doing. Introverts lean toward reflection or being. It's part of that idea that we're inward facing. - [Tatiana] Where as extroverts lean towards action or doing. - As an educator, I have a couple of months a year where I'm not in the classroom. I miss my students horribly, but that downtime is so important to me. I'm not super busy during those months, so I have space for contemplation. It's a jolt to my system when I'm re-entering the teaching world and my inbox fills up hourly, I'm in the class or meetings all the time, and everyday is filled with action, action, action. As an introvert, I'm glad that my thought work has an outward expression, but I'm most comfortable, most myself, when I'm in that being space, when my contribution to the world isn't about output or things being checked off of a list. - Extroverts, on the other hand, feel productive when we can create something from all the ideas and conversations around us. We…
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