From the course: Finance Foundations
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Risk-free rate
We'll get back to beta in just a moment, but let's spend a minute talking about the risk-free rate, which is another important element in the capital asset pricing model. Let's imagine that I've been asked to loan one dollar to the most trustworthy organization on Earth. I don't know who that is, but let's just imagine them, the most trustworthy organization on Earth. They are going to pay me back for sure. Now, what interest rate would I charge on this loan to the most trustworthy organization? That's the risk-free loan we're talking about. Well, the interest rate is not going to be zero for a couple of reasons. First of all, there might be some expected inflation. Price levels might be expected to go up; two, three, four, five percent over the next year. So I have to build at least the expected inflation rate into the interest rate that I'm going to charge. In addition, there is the time value of money. Now let me explain this by referencing the time value of candy. I can illustrate…
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Introducing risk and return1m 45s
What is risk?3m 4s
Why we don’t like risk1m 23s
Reducing risk through diversification2m 1s
Beta: The concept3m 26s
Beta: Examples2m 31s
Risk-free rate2m 26s
Equity risk premium2m 32s
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)3m 18s