From the course: Final Cut Pro Essential Training

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Using speed presets

Using speed presets

- In this movie, we're going to take a look at using speed presets inside a final cut. And we actually glanced over this, when we were first introduced to constant speed changes. So let's just play back this clip, to get a sense for it, first of all. I'll move my playhead to the beginning, and we'll click the full screen button on the bottom right of the viewer, to play this back. Okay, pressed Escape to get out of there. And just keep in mind, I have looped playback turned on, which is why this is repeating. I'm going to select the clip, and then from that retime menu, on the lower left hand corner of the viewer, if you look further down, there are some pretty cool options that we can take advantage of, underneath automatic speed. So, one is, speed ramp. The idea here, is that it starts playing at regular speed, at the beginning of the clip. And then slowly over time, just gets slower and slower.…
