From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics
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Sign up for Figma - Figma Tutorial
From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics
Sign up for Figma
- [Instructor] Before you had jumped into Figma, you need to sign up. Now in this video, you'll start by signing up then you'll take a tour of their workspace and you'll get an idea of what's going on in Figma, where things are, how they work. If you've already signed up, make sure you're on the Figma site, If you're signed in and you can skip ahead in the video to the workspace part. Now I've already obviously signed up and I've logged out so you can see what the Figma home screen looks like here. Yours might look different just because things change on the web. But if you come to the upper right over here you're going to see if you want to get an idea of what Figma is you can go through the features, you can talk about pricing, do different things like that. There's a lot of content around community things like files and templates to get started with, plugins to extend what Figma can do. Well, let's start by…
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