From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Import content from UI kits

Import content from UI kits

- [Instructor] In order to create our designs, we'll probably need to use a lot of different types of buttons and icons and different things that our default with, let's say like iOS or Android, for instance. What we'll do next is we'll pull some content from a UI Kit and also import part of a navigation bar, we're going to put down here. So let's go back out and take a look at our files. So go back to files up here in the upper left and come to Community here. We've got a lot of things we can look at and this is going to change over time, obviously, but you're going to see that we have UI kits. So click on UI kits and come down here to files. And you'll actually see, there are tons of different files we can pull from. Now, as time goes on, these are going to change, but find an iOS kit that matches the latest version and download it. You're going to see a little download button somewhere. What that's going to do is it's…
