From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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Create pages

Create pages

- [Instructor] Let's talk about pages and why you might use them in Figma. Now, pages can be used for all kinds of things, and to start with, you only have essentially one page where all of your frames live. You can go your whole life in Figma without creating multiple pages, but pages can be useful for things like separating components and design content. Or maybe you're designing for multiple devices, and you can use pages to separate each type of interface, like mobile, tablet, and desktop. Pages are a great way to organize content further. So let's make a page where we just organize our components as we make them or get them. Over here on the left where you see the layers, you're going to see the three frames that we've made. Now you will see page one here, and you can click the little arrow if you don't see this section to open it up. This is where your pages live. This is where you can see them anyway. So we start with one page. All of our content goes on that one page. Like I…
