From the course: Figma Essential Training: The Basics

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An intro to prototyping

An intro to prototyping

- In Figma, like a lot of other design tools out there you can create a working prototype to preview interactions and user flows, test out your ideas with users, and a whole lot more. Now I've got a file open here, and I just want to give you an idea of how prototyping generally works. Now, if we have a design and we want to share it with people, and we want them to be able to test it out, maybe tap on this button to go to another screen, for instance. Over here on the right, when you want to add interactivity to your designs, you can click 'Prototype'. Now in order to test out the prototype interactions, you'll go into presentation view, found up here. I'm saying that now because with nothing selected out there you can adjust the prototype settings, like what device and model you want to preview it in. And you can see a preview of that here. You can choose what the background color should be, and later which frame…
