From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions
Candidate answer and feedback
(upbeat music) - Let's run through a live example and see how someone might answer this question. - Thank you for the question. I've been doing some research on the market for sales analysts. What I found from LinkedIn's salary tool is that here in Chicago, base pay for these jobs tends to run between 61,000 and 71,000. Half the companies pay bonuses as well. Given the global impact of your company and the fact that candidates with Master's degrees, like me, are being recruited most heavily, I think we should be looking toward the top end of that range. - That was a solid answer. Well done, you followed the three tips really well. I liked how you started off with not getting tempted to give a specific number, second you brought neutral research to the table. This establishes you as someone who's trustworthy, someone who's confident, and grounded. I liked the tone that you brought. And then last but not least, you did a really credible job of showing why you should be at that higher range. And so you really came across as confident and steady in the approach to how you answered that question. Good luck getting that compensation you're dreaming for.