From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions
Candidate answer and feedback
(light upbeat music) - Let's see how someone handles this question and I'll be right back with some thoughts. - Great question. Well, the first thing that prompted me to apply is your commitment to service. I've been a customer for five years since I first bought a house. We had a big storm that damaged my roof last year, and I was impressed by how caring and prompt your customer service representatives were as I worked through it. I'm also really excited about your upcoming merger. I can see how this is really going to set you apart in the insurance industry. I'd love to help you through the process of integrating the two companies. Having supported a merger three years ago, I know what an incredibly intricate and stressful process that can be. I have a few specific ideas on how I might ease the transitioning. Last, I applied because I see this as a great opportunity for me to broaden my financial services experience. This seems to be a natural fit based on my understanding of regulated industries. - You just nailed it. Everything about your body language and eye contact conveys genuine excitement. It's clear that you're not out wallpapering the universe with your resume. Instead, you're a happy customer who's done your homework and sees an opportunity to help this company through a challenging and exciting transition. Ya made it about them first and then you wove in some of your own personal career goals. This is a great answer.