From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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The Wrap Text, Merge and Center, and Indent options

The Wrap Text, Merge and Center, and Indent options - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

The Wrap Text, Merge and Center, and Indent options

- [Instructor] On the home tab 2 in the ribbon in the alignment group, 3 we've got a feature called wrap text, 4 one called merge and center, one called indent, 5 and there's some other alignment tools available 6 with this button in the lower right hand corner. 7 When you click this button, 8 takes us into the format cells dialogue box 9 on the alignment tab. 10 Now, I want to make column E narrower, 11 maybe I'm going to add other columns to the right. 12 A couple of options, one is not visible here, 13 it's related to wrap text, yet a little different. 14 Clicking that arrow in the lower right hand corner there, 15 we see an option called shrink to fit. 16 Click okay. 17 I'm going to make column E narrower. 18 Watch the text. 19 Within certain limits, I think this is viable at times. 20 One thing it doesn't do, 21 it doesn't tell you how big the font is, 22 it's pretty obvious that's smaller. 23 But on the…
