From the course: Excel: PivotTables in Depth
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Print a PivotChart
From the course: Excel: PivotTables in Depth
Print a PivotChart
- [Instructor] When you're ready to print an Excel pivot chart, you can use the same skills that you would use to print regular charts. In this movie, I will review some of the things you can do to make printing your pivot chart go smoothly. My sample file is 0704 Pivot Chart, and you can find it in the chapter seven folder of the exercise files collection. In this workbook on sheet one, I have a pivot chart. And if I want to print the entire worksheet, then I can do that using the skills that I already know. But if I want to print the pivot chart by itself, then I can click it and then press ctrl P to open the print interface in the backstage view. And if I look over on the left, I have print selected chart, and specifically, only print the selected chart. And if I click the settings down arrow, I see that that is the only option available to me. And again, that's because the pivot chart was clicked or selected when I was in the body of the workbook. Now I can select my printer and…
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