From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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The power and majesty of Excel's Tables

The power and majesty of Excel's Tables - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

The power and majesty of Excel's Tables

- [Lecturer] Please take this seriously. This video is about tables and too few people use tables. And I think it's because they're just not aware. But I am making you aware of tables, and will show you how powerful they can be, how they can help you keep your data organized and keep it trustworthy. Here we have two sets of data. We've got Barco County and Gladd County. The Gladd County data is in a table. How can we tell? First of all by noticing this hard corner right here, right? And then, when I click inside the data set, look up at the ribbon. Click in there, now you have a table design tab. That's how you can tell that this is a table. If I scroll up and click inside the Barco County data, the table design tab is gone. But, let's go ahead and turn it into a table. I'm in the home tab of ribbon, go to format as table, and there are all of these options that we can pick from. Let's pick this color, good. The…
