From the course: Excel: Macros and VBA for Beginners (2021)

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You can do anything with VBA

You can do anything with VBA

- Let's look at several real world uses of VBA and macros. First up, this example is where we had to parse some data. This data would be imported into this worksheet, and then it had to be split out by the projects. This would be crazy, error-prone, copy and paste job. But with VBA, watch. I'm going to press this button. Now let's look, in this project, yup, there's Cap, Oliver, all the way down to Chloe. Everybody in the HP project is all here, and everybody in TH. No messy copy paste job, and it went really fast. Here is a meal randomizer. This started as a need in an Excel forum, and it turned into a challenge that several of us Excel people took on. So here was my solution. We've got all of the possible specials in column L and then over in column A has the dates where we want meals. Now I'm going to use F9 to recalculate and have columns B, E, and H change. I'm going to click this until I see something that is…
