From the course: Excel for Accountants
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QuickBooks and ledger records - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel for Accountants
QuickBooks and ledger records
- [Instructor] QuickBooks is designed to be relatively simple. It's designed for small businesses all the way up to big businesses. But a lot of big businesses need more sophisticated tools. Many big businesses have a whole set of different ledgers they keep track of. You can get to this in QuickBooks as well. If you come over to the Reports tab from your dashboard in QuickBooks, you can see your profit and loss, your balance sheet, and other notable ledgers that you might want to keep track of. So QuickBooks has a lot of very powerful tools. In addition to that, if you come over to the Accounting, you can come to Chart of Accounts, and this'll list all the different accounts that you have. Now, in this case, since we simply have a sample company, we don't really have most of these things filled out or available to us yet. But, nonetheless, let's take a look at what we do have. All right, so once you've clicked on Chart of Accounts, you'll come to a register of multiple different…
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Small business accounting overview3m 47s
Transactions in QuickBooks and Excel4m 51s
Quarterly profit and loss tracking in Excel4m 39s
QuickBooks and ledger records3m 38s
Taxes and Excel record-keeping3m 58s
Tracking business performance in Excel4m 43s
Pivot tables for accountants3m 58s
Import data from Excel to QuickBooks4m 42s