From the course: Excel: Creating a Dashboard with Power Query (Microsoft 365)

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Excel PivotChart for monthly sales

Excel PivotChart for monthly sales

- [Instructor] Now it's time to take a look at our sales trend. We want to do that with a line chart, so we want to have months here and plot the sales values. Let's take a look at the type of data we need on the calculation sheet. Now, I'm just going to bring this a bit down, let's copy and paste this here and rename this to "Sales by Month". What I need on one side are the months, and then the sales values. So, I don't need to restrict this anymore to Latest and Previous, I want to have all the months on here. Let's start off with any PivotTable. I'll just copy this since it's right here, bring up the fields list and let's update our values here. So, Sales Value, that's fine, that's what we want, but we don't need the Product Groups, so I'm going to kick that out. We also don't need a Month Flag, I'll kick that out as well. What we do need is to get every single month in the rows. I'll go with the start of the…
