From the course: Ethical Hacking: System Hacking

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Getting the most out of this course

From the course: Ethical Hacking: System Hacking

Getting the most out of this course

- [Instructor] This is an intermediate level course for network administrators, teachers, students, and anyone interested in learning more about system hacking during an ethical hacking exercise. I cover a lot of information, but I have provided a file for you so that you can follow along. Go to the Overview tab, and on the right you'll see related to this course. By the exercise file, select the show all link, where you will find a challenge and links document. Within the document, I've included links to all the resources that I reference in the course. Additionally, during each segment, I'll identify a challenge using the following icon along with a question from the video. Use the document to write out responses to challenges that I cover throughout the course. I am super excited to bring you this course. So sharpen your pencil and let's start learning.
