From the course: Essentials of Storyboarding
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Skills story artists need
From the course: Essentials of Storyboarding
Skills story artists need
- Storyboard artists are not just illustrators. We tell a story with our drawings, but we need to know more than just how to draw. The basics of storyboarding include being able to draw anything quickly from any angle, how to sketch a perspective, understanding screen direction, a basic knowledge of camera terms, and how to work with directors. You also need to know how scenes and shots are numbered, the industry standards for delivering finished storyboards, and be competent on a computer and with researching things. A lot of research. To be a successful story artist, you also need to understand directing, stunts, editing, visual effects, lenses, read blueprints, listen, hit deadlines, and be easy to work with. Don't underestimate that. You should also know the latest storyboard softwares, how to create and edit PDF files, upload and download large files, and understand stage etiquette for when you're on location, which…
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