From the course: Essentials of Storyboarding

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Find storyboard jobs

Find storyboard jobs

- One of the main questions I get from beginning story artists, is how to find storyboard jobs? And the best ways to make sure the right people know who you are. So while you'll be working with directors they're not usually the people who hire story artists. You need to reach out to production managers and also called UPMs, production supervisors and production coordinators. A producer and director will request a story artist, and we'll ask one of them to find a local story artists. So you want them to know you and at least to know how to find you. Luckily, they're easy to find. Every major city has a website listing crew people. Usually sponsored by the local film commission. So for instance, looking at this page here I just did a search for UPMs or production managers on the Georgia Atlanta website here. And I can just scroll through and find whoever I want click on them, get their contact information.…
