From the course: Essentials of Storyboarding

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Final storyboard art and cleanup

Final storyboard art and cleanup

From the course: Essentials of Storyboarding

Final storyboard art and cleanup

- The final look of your storyboards depends on your style and the amount of time you have for cleaning up or finishing your storyboards. Remember, storyboards are not illustrations. They just need to tell the story and be clear. The drawings are often very loose and rough. I kind of like them nicer if you have time. Let's take a look at a fast forward view of how I clean up a storyboard panel. So looking at this image, here's a thumbnail I'd done while working with a director. It's very rough, but you can see all the details that you need. Now, the character in the foreground had a very particular helmet that was kind of difficult to figure out how to draw accurately. So I took an action figure and I sculpted a helmet so I could use that as a reference. And then I went through and I drew my background character, added some tone, then I drew my foreground character, this way I was able to get the helmet exactly right using…
