From the course: Essentials of Storyboarding

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Camera movement and terms

Camera movement and terms

- All productions use cameras, either virtual or practical. Since our drawings represent what the camera will see, it's important for us to understand camera movement and to use the proper terms. So let's take a look at some of them here. So, this first image that you see of this alien crossing this room, if this was 2D animation, we would call this a pan 'cause in 2D animation, any movement is really a pan. However, in CG and in live action that term is misused all the time. This is actually a dolly move 'cause the camera is moving across the screen and we're actually tracking the character. So that's what this is. When you dolly along with the character, that's tracking. All right let's go to the next one. So if you notice here, the camera stays in one position and it rotates on its base and follows. This is a pan. So a pan is just the camera rotating on its center axis. All right, let's take a look at another one.…
