From the course: End-to-End JavaScript Testing with
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Interacting with elements
From the course: End-to-End JavaScript Testing with
Interacting with elements
- [Instructor] All right, so now that we've seen a lot of the basics of writing end-to-end tests with Cypress, over the next few videos we're going to take a more in-depth look at how to do a few different things, such as interacting with elements, making different assertions, debugging our Cypress tests, and so on. So in this video we're going to focus on several different ways that you can interact with elements in Cypress, and to start off with, so far the only real interaction that we've used in our tests, in other words the only real change that we've made to the interface as we've had Cypress interact with it on our behalf, is we've used this type command to change the value in a text input, but in reality there are many other commands that Cypress provides us with for testing applications. These commands are all pretty straightforward, so I'm not really going to spend too much time on any one of them, but feel free to play around with them until they become more familiar. So…
Interacting with elements6m 6s
Triggering other actions8m 46s
Common assertions8m 46s
Automatic retries3m 21s
Debugging Cypress tests5m 41s
Setting environment variables6m 10s
Working with test doubles4m 34s
Challenge 2: Writing your own tests1m 20s
Solution 2: Writing your own tests3m 29s