From the course: End-to-End JavaScript Testing with
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Debugging Cypress tests
From the course: End-to-End JavaScript Testing with
Debugging Cypress tests
- [Instructor] Now, it's a very common thing when we're writing or running Cypress tests that our application doesn't quite behave as we expected and we're not really sure why. Now in these situations, it's really helpful to be able to pause our application at a specific point and debug it like we normally would. And this is something that even Cypress' snapshots here don't really do since they really only show you what the visible part of the app looked like at the point when the snapshot was taken. In other words, if something went wrong in our application, if there was some kind of problem with the application state, many times we need to actually look at that internal state to figure out what the root cause was of that problem. Now Cypress provides several nice tools for us. The first tool is simply called debugger, and this allows us to pause the execution of our tests at a specific point in our code, not just at specific assertions or actions that we make. Now, what debugger…
Interacting with elements6m 6s
Triggering other actions8m 46s
Common assertions8m 46s
Automatic retries3m 21s
Debugging Cypress tests5m 41s
Setting environment variables6m 10s
Working with test doubles4m 34s
Challenge 2: Writing your own tests1m 20s
Solution 2: Writing your own tests3m 29s