From the course: Employee Engagement

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Monitor social media for employee comments

Monitor social media for employee comments

From the course: Employee Engagement

Monitor social media for employee comments

- Meg is an awesome job candidate, who's thinking about coming to work for your company. She does her homework and spends an entire evening looking at the company website, Facebook page, LinkedIn profiles, Glassdoor ratings Indeed ratings, news stories, YouTube videos, anything else she can possibly find with a Google search. And if she knows you're her potential boss, she'll also see what she can find out about you. So before Meg ever steps a foot in a door or speaks with a single person, she'll have a story about your company, and maybe even about you. Social media sets expectations about working at your company before anyone ever meets, kind of like what happens on dating websites. The bad news is much of what Meg will read on social media sites comes from disgruntled current or former employees and customers. The good news is your company's social media sites can have great stories to share to balance out any…
