From the course: Employee Engagement

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Assessing the fit of employees

Assessing the fit of employees

From the course: Employee Engagement

Assessing the fit of employees

- Have you ever tried to put a round peg into a square hole? Why would you do that? Wouldn't work very well, would it? It's like that when you're hiring new employees, too. If you're hiring around peg to work in a square hole, you're guaranteed frustration, disengagement, and turnover. To have the greatest chance of success, an employee needs to be a good fit. So test each candidate's skills and assess for their personality. Disengaged employees are often misfits and without testing and assessing, you are blindly hoping that someone will be a good fit for the job. There are some good tools you can use to help evaluate your candidates. The first tools are skills tests and there's two kinds, substantive and procedural. Substantive testing measures a person's knowledge. For example, if you're hiring a lawyer, you can test them on their knowledge of the law they'll be practicing. If hiring a truck driver, you can test…
