From the course: Empathy in UX Design

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Going deeper: Empathy for career success

Going deeper: Empathy for career success

From the course: Empathy in UX Design

Going deeper: Empathy for career success

- One very interesting thing about empathy is it is one of the most valuable soft skills that someone can have professionally. It doesn't matter what a person is doing. As long as they have any interaction with other people, through any medium of communication, which basically is probably most people. I mean, they're not working 100% forever in isolation. Empathy is just such a valuable soft skill to have. It's such a valuable skill to be able to grow, to be able to sharpen the empathy skills, to work on this over time and be better at it. Be better at understanding other people and it's better, it can help get a job, it can help do better in business. You know, my own background is both in social science, which is where the user research that I do comes from, and but also I have an MBA and I'm very interested in business and I've always been very fascinated about where that junction is between the people and the…
