From the course: Emotional Intelligence Basics

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Positive life practices

Positive life practices

- Your mindset directly impacts how you act and behave. Meaning it's important to keep your mind and thoughts resistance free. Let's explore what I call the golden equation to reduce your suffering and more easily navigate through life's natural ups and downs. I learned an equation in a meditation class that transformed my relationship with pain and suffering. Originally, the principle stems from the four noble truths of Buddhism. The first noble truth identifies and acknowledges the presence of suffering. The second noble truth searches for the cause of suffering. Third is the end of suffering. And the fourth is the process that ends suffering. Shinzen Young, an author of many books and a Dharma teacher summarizes the four noble truths in equation. Suffering equals pain times resistance. One does not reject the existence of pain but one does not add resistance to the pain. The equation points out that when we add…
