From the course: Elevate Your Adobe Analytics Skills for Better Decision-Making

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Using the automatically captured activity map data

Using the automatically captured activity map data

- [Instructor] One of the most important considerations that an analyst or marketer has is how well their website is tagged. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, tagging is how data from your website is sent to Adobe for processing and made available for analysis. It's a small bit of code that tells Adobe, "Hey, this page was viewed, or this button was clicked, or this action occurred." Most of the metrics and dimensions that I've covered incorporate data that is automatically captured, browser technology, geographical information, referring data, page views, visits, and more. Custom metrics, as covered at the end of the previous chapter, and custom dimensions, which are covered later in this chapter, are populated with data based on custom tags that are sent by your administrator or tagging team. The great news is that Adobe is also automatically capturing any clicks on your website. That automated click tracking…
