From the course: Electrical Systems: Panel Boards, Frequency Drives, and Transformers
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Introduction to VFDs
From the course: Electrical Systems: Panel Boards, Frequency Drives, and Transformers
Introduction to VFDs
- [Instructor] Motors are a very important piece of electrical utilization equipment. They are used to turn equipment such as pumps, fans, and moving systems like conveyors. Motors are also used in factories to crush, form, drill, and stretch materials in production. Motors are turned on and run for short periods of time or very long periods of time. Being able to control motor speed makes the motor more useful, and many times it makes the process more efficient and even safer. The electrical apparatus that helps control motor speed is called a variable speed drive, a variable frequency drive, or adjustable speed drive. For purposes of this course we're going to refer to it as a variable frequency drive. So you see there are a few ways to control the speed of a motor. It can be controlled mechanically with pulleys or by changing the voltage and current going into it. But one of the most efficient ways of doing it is by using a variable frequency drive. You see, a variable frequency…