From the course: Electrical Systems: Panel Boards, Frequency Drives, and Transformers

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Buck-boost and control transformers

Buck-boost and control transformers

- [Instructor] Sometimes smaller specialty transformers are used to manipulate voltage for a small or single piece of utilization equipment, to achieve a very specific voltage. These transformers are not intended for larger loads or systems. They're called buck-boost transformers or control transformers. Usually these transformer coils are completely enclosed, sometimes even surrounded by insulating solids or potted, meaning they are different from dry type transformers in that way. Some places you might find a control transformer would be: inside of an appliance like a dishwasher, or a washing machine, a doorbell, or even used in a control circuit, such as a motor control circuit. Buck-boost transformers are a little bit larger than control transformers, but they are both small. Many times they are used to transform the utilization voltage up by just a few percent, so that the equipment can run effectively. Perhaps you have a building system voltage of 208 volts, and you have…
