From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Outdoor, microwave, and more

Outdoor, microwave, and more

- [Instructor] For many reasons, installing communication systems, especially cables, can be difficult in the outdoors. Extreme terrains, access to open or public land, and other geographical features like water and large elevation changes make point-to-point installations expensive and time-consuming, sometimes not even possible at all. Along came microwave transmitters and receivers. Radio waves can be used to transmit communications and data signals. Microwave signals are sent from antennas using a line-of-sight equipment. They can transmit a lot of information quickly over distances of 30 miles and more. Microwave was a predominant method of transmitting communications before satellite usage became more popular and cost-effective. Outdoor wireless access points. Outdoor wireless access points. Wireless access points are electronic pieces of equipment that broadcast a communication signal, usually ethernet, to…
