From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Installation standards

Installation standards

- [Tutor] Just because communication systems are low voltage and don't pose a great safety risk, doesn't mean they shouldn't be installed in a neat and professional manner. There are guidelines and standards that are published to help ensure commonality and predictability during installation so that these systems are easy to use, change and maintain. For example, the TIA/EIA standards cover topics like, proper labeling, color-coding, termination of cables and jacks, as well as conductivity and performance construction specifications. The most commonly used indoor standard is the TIA/EIA568 Standard. Commercial building cabling and equipment installation practices are covered by the standard. Let's take a look at some installation standard examples. When labeling a cable, a faceplate port or rack port or any other element that relates to a cable itself, the following rules apply. Here's an example of a premise…
