From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Fiber cable housings and accessories

Fiber cable housings and accessories

- [Instructor] Now that we know what a fiber cable does, it's just as important to understand the other equipment that helps hold, house, protect, and distribute fiber optic signals. There are racks and frames. These are freestanding metal structures that other components are fastened to. They may not only hold fiber components, but can be a mix of fiber optic components, copper cable components, and even network electronics. Usually, these are a collection and distribution point fed by a trunk cable and broken down into individual circuits or nodes. Housings. These little boxes are usually rack-mounted and the fiber cables either terminate or end in them or they may splice to other fiber cables and continue to another location. Housings are sometimes made of metal or plastic, and they may have some of the following accessories. In-housing scope panels, also known as bulkheads. The metal plates contain shaped plastic or…
