From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Copper-based data cables

Copper-based data cables

- [Instructor] Computers and other microprocessors love to get information from the outside. The copper cables that bring information to and from the equipment are a special type of cable. Here we'll look at the most common types of computer and information cables and the progression of their abilities. As time has progressed and computers are able to process more information quickly, the need for more information to arrive and depart from the computer has also increased. The more data the computer can receive, the quicker it can process and transmit. The term UTP stands for unshielded twisted pair. In most cases, this is a four-pair copper cable. The four pairs of cables are individually twisted and act as circuits within the overall cable. These are the most common data and communications cables used in the US currently. The twisting of these conductor pairs eliminates crosstalk, which is interference noise from the other…
