From the course: Electric Bass Lesson: Fundamentals

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The root-fifth-octave pattern

The root-fifth-octave pattern

- Since we're talking about basic bass, the fundamental beginnings, I want to give you something here that's a real fundamental and a real basic part and component of so many songs and so much music it'll help you to get up and running, and get in a band, and start playing some music you love, which is the whole purpose of this whole endeavor in the first place. It is simply root 5th octave. Root note, 5th above it, and the octave above that. You see from the, I believe it's Strauss', or I'm not sure who the composer was, anyway, Thus Spoke Zarathustra That was the beginning four notes from the 2001: A Space Odyssey movie from many, many years ago. Anyway, those three notes have been used in a zillion things and a zillion tunes. Octaves. So it's a very common thing. So here's a, let's just take the key of G and do a root 5th octave, just in time. So we're... See how my finger lays across there? So I don't have to keep moving my fingers around every time I play a note. I can just kind…
