From the course: Electric Bass Lesson: Fundamentals
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Slap and pop
From the course: Electric Bass Lesson: Fundamentals
Slap and pop
- One other point I wanna make about right hand technique is the technique you'll need for slapping and popping. It's quite a bit different than what I was showing you before with the thumb locked and plucking. So I want to actually do a different bass, this green bass here, which for me is a little bit easier for me to slap on than any other one. So I'll just give you some basics that I came up with on my own after seeing a couple of other players do this that are much more well versed in it than I am. Basically for slapping and popping... It originated from a guy, I think it was Larry Graham, famous old bass player. Sorry about the old part, Larry. But a famous bass player where he basically didn't have a drummer, if I get this correctly I hope and he basically kind of mimicked what the drums do on the bass by hitting a bass drum and a snare. (tapping) So basically that's the move where you're gonna hit down. Basically my thumb is kind of loose. (tapping) Grabbing it down here when…
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