From the course: Electric Bass Lesson: Fundamentals

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Locking with the bass drum

Locking with the bass drum

- Now as far as your timing goes, and your ability to keep time, one very important point that I learned very early on, was my relationship, the notes I played, to the drummer's bass drum. So as you watch a drummer play his pattern, listen to it on a record, listen to every time the bass drum hits, and that's basically, this isn't true in all cases but it's a good starting point. That's basically where you hit a note. So the drummer's playin'. (taps beat) As the bass drum would be. (taps beat) And that would be the snare drum, that hard thing. So you basically. (plucks beat) If you play a note every time the bass drum plays a note and you're locked in with it, you almost can never go wrong. So one of the final points I'll make about time is when you're playing in context in a song in a band, which is what this all should be leading towards, always remember that when that bass drum is hitting a hit you should be hitting a note with it. That's just a very important point, it's a very…
