From the course: Ecommerce Marketing with Generative AI

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Ecommerce marketing and generative AI, a perfect fit

Ecommerce marketing and generative AI, a perfect fit

From the course: Ecommerce Marketing with Generative AI

Ecommerce marketing and generative AI, a perfect fit

- Well, I guess it's time to review your AI shopping cart and check out of this course. Then you can unbox the strategies I shared along the way. We started by discussing how to structure AI prompts. I offered you tips on how to use AI to help develop your customer personas, conduct research, and focus groups, and create and optimize your landing pages and ads. And I showed you a framework you can use to adapt your workflow and train your team. Like your e-commerce products, the AI landscape is constantly evolving, so stay curious, keep testing, and you'll soon see why e-commerce marketing and GenAI are a perfect fit. If you have any questions about generative AI, please follow me on LinkedIn or subscribe to my biweekly "Digital Marketing Trends" newsletter. Thank you for watching the course.
