From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals
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- The first model we're going to look into is drop-shipping. Drop-shipping is invisible to the consumer so many people aren't familiar with this model. A drop-shipper is someone who doesn't actually hold any inventory. They have an online store and they accept orders but they don't do any fulfillment which is shipping the products to the customers. Instead, they receive an order and then pass along that information to another company who sends the product directly to the customer. So, as a customer, I might buy an umbrella from you for $10. Your store automatically orders that same umbrella from a supplier and sends it to me for $8. You as the drop-shipper get to pocket the difference. Oftentimes, you'll see drop-shippers for manufacturers who don't want to do any marketing. They just want to make goods and they'll use drop-shippers, resellers, or others to move their products. There are four main benefits to drop-shipping.…
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