From the course: Drum Set Lessons: On the Beaten Path

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"Green Onions" by Booker T. and the MGs

"Green Onions" by Booker T. and the MGs

From the course: Drum Set Lessons: On the Beaten Path

"Green Onions" by Booker T. and the MGs

- The next beat we're gonna learn is something that Al Jackson Jr. played on a famous track called Green Onions by Booker T. & the MGs. And it goes like this. - [Voiceover] One, two, one, two, three four. (playing drums) - So let's start playing this beat by just simplifying it and just playing the bass drum on beats one and three and the snare drum on beats two and four and the ride on all four beats, like this. - [Voiceover] One, two, one, two, three, four. (playing drums) - Now all Al Jackson Jr. is really doing is adding the third note of a triplet on beat two. So, it's easier said than done. It actually is a little tricky to make this feel good and sound good but you'll get the idea when you start playing it. It sounds like this. - [Voiceover] One, two, one, two, three, four. (playing drums)
