From the course: Drum Set Lessons: On the Beaten Path

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Buzz strokes

Buzz strokes

- This technique is called a buzz stroke, and a buzz stroke just means that you're gonna dig the stick into the head and you're gonna get multiple bounces, and then it's gonna kinda just fizzle out from loud to soft. So a buzz stroke sounds like this. (drum beating) A sextuplet is a group of six notes played in the time of four notes of the same value. Sextuplets are identified by a small numeral six over the note group. This tune also uses a technique called bounced sixteenth notes and all that means is we're gonna bounce a note inside of the sixteenth note. When you see sixteenth notes put together and there's a little slash through one of the lines, that's the bounced sixteenth note. So I'm gonna play a set of four sixteenth notes, and I'm gonna bounce the first one. So it sounds like this. (drum beating) We've learned a ton of jazz concepts and we've played a bunch of jazz beats, a bunch of jazz fills and this next tune incorporates almost everything that we've learned. And…
