From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics: Iconography

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Creating pixel perfect icons

Creating pixel perfect icons

- [Instructor] Not too long ago, the terminology of pixel perfect meant precision raster base images like a PNG or a JPEG image. And all the pixel level refinement of iconic design was done in Photoshop, not Illustrator. Well, technology has changed and you can now perfect your pixel placement inside Illustrator while retaining all the flexibility of vector based building. Let me show you how this is done. Now before we jump into this file shown right here, I want to first talk briefly about how to set up your document initially because it does make a difference. You want to make sure when you create a new document, we're going to do that now just to show you this. We'll go new under file. And it'll bring up the new document window. Now here, you can pick any size you want, but one thing you want to check is your profile is we're going to pick web. This assures it's going to be in pixels. And the environment can be RGB or CMYK, it doesn't matter. But you just want to make sure you're…
